School NewsMay 30, 2023

updated Aug 27, 2024

492 Holmes Road

A new entryway at Miss Hall’s School honors familial ties and MHS sisters

To mark the 125th year of Miss Hall’s, the main entrance to campus is getting a makeover!

A key element in our Master Plan, a new north entryway on Holmes Road will increase visibility to the School and convey a sense of openness to the Berkshires community.

The entrance is the primary point of access to our beautiful 80-acres, leading families, friends, and alums up the driveway to the School’s iconic colonnade.

We’ve worked with an architect to design a lovely brick entrance, consonant with the look and feel of MHS and flanking the main driveway. Its tasteful signage and enveloping arms warmly welcome visitors to campus. Landscaping in the form of native plantings will provide the finishing touch.

The project is made possible by alums, friends, and family eager to transform how neighbors, visitors and passersby come to know Miss Hall’s School. Many donors are also interested in honoring their MHS sisters — whether they are biological sisters or sisters by lifelong bonds formed at Miss Hall’s — with a gift in support of the new entryway.

All support is welcome and will be listed in our Annual Report. In addition, those able to contribute $1,000 or more to this initiative will be recognized on a plaque — together with names of their MHS sisters, if they choose — that will remain on the entrance for posterity. It’s a great way to support the School and feel your presence on campus for decades to come.

To date, funding for this initiative has been led by members of the Class of 1967, which boasts an unusual number of Miss Hall’s sisters — 17 total classmates whose siblings also graduated from MHS! To honor their sisters and each other, they raised $67,000 on the occasion of their 55th reunion toward the total cost of the project. Then, one of their sister classes, 1963, came through with another big chunk of funding in celebration of their 60th reunion, bringing the project close to completion. Your gift could help finish it!

Supporting sisterhood and MHS is always a priority. Helping build a new entryway to the school that says ’you have arrived’ feels Bold to me.

Sisters ’63 & ’67