ArtsFeb 26, 2020

updated Aug 27, 2024

Grace Notes spreads joy, office to office

Our a cappella group visited offices around campus today to spread some spontaneous joy

A little spontaneity goes a long way to brighten everyone’s day!

Grace Notes — the MHS a cappella singing group — traveled the campus yesterday afternoon, serenading students and adults with their rendition of the Backstreet Boys hit, “I Want it That Way.”

They visited the Admissions and Advancement offices, the Dining Room, and even the Main Building basement, spreading some warmth and cheer on a chilly winter’s day.

“The idea came from Jen Jordan (Director of Theater and Dance), who mentioned students doing this at a previous place she had worked,” notes Director of Music Debbie Duff, who advises the Grace Notes. “We had just finished the Coordinate Concert, and I asked the Grace Notes if they would like to go sing for the Dining staff during one of our rehearsals. They were very eager to do that, and we decided to travel around to other areas of the School.”

The group — ten members strong — drew audiences at each of their stops.

“Staff members all seemed to love it!” Ms. Duff adds. “The Grace Notes loved it, too, and we’ll try to do it a couple of times throughout the year to brighten up the winter months!”

Great idea!