AlumnaeApr 1, 2023

updated Aug 27, 2024

Fellowship, Growth, Gratitude — and Fun

Former Trustees catch up via ZOOM

Former Trustees Carolie Rutter Frazer ’64 and Wendy Sprole Bangs ’63 got together over Zoom last month to catch up, reflect on how Miss Hall’s has evolved over the last 60 years, and to extol the many benefits of their time on the MHS Board.

Carolie and Wendy came from the same town in Connecticut, and their parents were friends before they were students at Miss Hall’s. Wendy gave Carolie her senior blazer, a tradition that continues today, with juniors receiving their blazers from a graduating senior. While they served on the Board at different times, both grew professionally and personally, made new and cherished friendships, and had some fun along the way.

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Bottom line — if you’re on a Board that isn’t slightly fun, don’t do it.

Former MHS Trustee