

周一就有这么多活动。和寻求挑战与乐于探索的同龄人一起,你在Miss Hall’s将跨越从未设想过的距离。

Miss Hall’s的课程项目视而定。你的兴趣将是你选课和教师授课的向导。许多教室内外的项目将由你亲自设计。我们的课程复杂而富有挑战。它促进成长但不苛求完美。不论你的起点在哪里,我们都将帮你发现新的知识,新的本领和新的自己。

No question is too small

Click the button below to chat with a real member of the Miss Hall’s community. You can connect with faculty about courses of study, chat with current students about life on campus, or ask an admissions officer whatever you’d like — no question is too small. 😎 You’ll also learn from experts in fields that you’re interested in. Just this past spring, Miss Hall’s students had the opportunity to meet and ask questions of a climate activist, an ecologist and farmer, a radiologist, a screenwriter, and several artists — people engaged at the highest levels in fields that our students want to pursue.

Design your own passion projects

At Miss Hall’s, we have built a flexible curriculum that adapts constantly to our students’ passions. An English seminar one year had a number of students interested in theater, so they pivoted to reading scripts; several girls in a Latin course wanted to know more about science, so the class tackled ancient texts related to bodies and medicine; a student in a coding class missed food from her own country, so she programmed a recipe app to share with the community. Within the structure of our program, you’ll be able to follow any interest or question.

You’ll also learn from experts in fields that you’re interested in. Just this past spring, Miss Hall’s students had the opportunity to meet and ask questions of a climate activist, an ecologist and farmer, a radiologist, a screenwriter, and several artists — people engaged at the highest levels in fields that our students want to pursue.

Above all, we know that the most relevant and lasting learning happens in the context of life. Every class you participate in will address real-world issues and include a diversity of voices and perspectives. You will learn with students from around the world and who bring their own histories and experiences. Their stories infuse and shape our program daily — just as yours will.


Hallmark课程是Miss Hall’s独有的教学创新,它涵盖了我们最高级的课程。这些课程由我们的教师针对学生的学术热情、兴趣和理解力特别设计。你可以通过它们对你感兴趣的课题做深度探索和调研。你能够锻炼那些顶级大学所重视的学术技能,包括研究、撰写、抽象思维和复杂信息分析等;更能够开拓视野,提升言谈、交际能力和魄力,培养作为一名积极的世界公民和领导者所需的能力。


在以下视频中,你将直接听到我们的学生和教师解释他们眼中Miss Hall’s的特别之处。

CH Technology and Engineering

CH Math



生活在当今的世界,我们应该比任何时候强调求实,因此我们需要具备在海量信息之中验证事实的能力。Miss Hall’s为你打下坚实学科基础,帮你培养能够处理疑难问题、寻求渺茫答案的思维习惯。


Humes Euston Hall Library

With thousands of books and periodicals, extensive digital resources, and comfy chairs around the fireplace, the Humes Euston Hall Library is a hub of imagination and curiosity, a place where students become ethical users and creators of information.

Click here to find books and/or ebooks, access databases and digital subscriptions, and learn more about learning resources available to the community.


你的学习将由你主导,但你并不在孤军奋战。我们的老师会通过课上课下了解你,通过随时关照确保你拥有你学习所需的支持。在Miss Hall’s没有一个人会掉队。

学校为预防新冠病毒花费的心血,Sammy所上的精彩课程,她在搜寻大学和撰写申请稿过程中受到的帮助,这一切都让我惊叹。Miss Hall’s让我印象深刻,充满感激。


除了良师,你还会有一群背景丰富的热心益友。来自全世界的同龄人会帮助你提升思维高度,和你同学习同欢乐。这群同龄人是Miss Hall’s经历的精华之源。我们的学生积极、勇敢、学习刻苦。他们享受学习,更爱谈笑。他们会促使你超越你为自己设定的终点,而你也会为他们扮演同样角色。




用我们的工程科技创新总监克里斯·海姆士(Chris Himes)博士的话来说,“可以不知道,但是不能不尝试。”我们的项目会挑战你,延展你;我们的教师和职工会从始至终在你身旁帮助你认知新的兴趣,新的自我定位,新的回馈世界的方式。

不管你的激情何在,Miss Hall’s会帮助你转变心态,从“我做不到”演变为“我现在还不知道如何下手”。你会学习、成长和改变,而最终的尺度将取决于你。


了解Miss Hall’s的艺术项目

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