School NewsDec 1, 2023

updated Aug 27, 2024

2023-24 Civitas Award Winners

Honoring outstanding members of the Miss Hall’s community

(Amy Inglis ’08, Avida Love Photography)

Civitas Awards are presented throughout the year by the Miss Hall’s School Student Council in recognition of distinguished student work throughout all areas of school and student life, including academics, athletics, expressive arts, and leadership.

Recipients, who are nominated for the award by their classmates, must also be good citizens and possess the qualities of kindness and generosity.

The recipient of the May Civitas Award is Molly ’24, who was nominated by Marianna ’27 and Ella’24, who cited Molly’s kindness, always knowing just what to say, for being a frequent collaborator, and for her many contributions to the community, including serving as a Grace Note, Vocal Ensemble co-Head, Day Student Proctor, Hatch co-Head, Theater Ensemble Stage Manager, and so much more!

Molly was also an Admissions Ambassador, performed a Senior Recital, and was also selected to sing in the highly selective District Chorus at the Massachusetts Music Educators Association’s (MMEA) Western District Festival Concert in January. Congratulations!

The recipient of the April Civitas award was Welmerly ’24, who was nominated by Ella ’24, Kyla ’24, and Jaz ’26, who cited Wel’s hard work as tri-head of the Diversity Coalition, in athletics, and as a Proctor, as well as her energy and willingness to use her voice as a proud supporter of the MHS community.

Says Jaz, “Wel is always there for me when I need to talk and always knows how to make me laugh. Every time I’m with her, time flys. She cares about people around her, whether it’s her friends, classmates, or Proctees.”

Says Ella, “Wel is one of the kindest people I have ever met. They are the loudest, proudest, and most excited supporter for the entire community, and aren’t afraid to use their voice when they see that something is wrong.”

Says Kyla, "Wel always bring great energy into everything that they do, and I always look forward to our classes together because I know that she will make them fun. She's a great person and a role model for all, through and through."

The recipient of the year’s first Civitas award was Aurora ’27, who was nominated by classmate Marianna ’27, who cited Aurora’s inclusive, loyal, supportive, and encouraging friendship, her athletic and artistic talents, and her overall positive contributions to the community.

Says Marianna, “In addition to being a wonderful and caring friend, Aurora is a bright and hardworking student who excels at every class. She is also very talented at soccer and lacrosse and brings her enthusiasm and energy to every practice and every game. Finally, she exhibits musical talent, as she enjoys playing the electric guitar. Through her kindness and generosity and through her talent in academics, sports, and music, Aurora positively contributes to the Miss Hall's community.”

Civitas recipients are recognized at Community Meeting, where their nominations are read, and they receive an MHS charm bearing the month and year they received the award.

Congratulations, Molly, Wel, and Aurora!