AlumnaeMar 22, 2025

updated Mar 22, 2025

Reunion 2025

Coming together May 16-18

Reunion 2025 is an opportunity to come together as a community.

After careful consideration and conversations across the generations, we have decided to move forward with reunion this year because so many alums have told us that it’s important. The past year has been challenging and emotional, and while some may choose not to be on campus this year, we have heard from many who are seeking connection and togetherness.

Honoring alums in classes ending in 0 and 5, Reunion 2025 is a chance to connect with friends, learn about today’s holistic student experience, learn from each other, and celebrate beloved traditions. We will mark achievements, share remembrances, and reflect on individual and collective accomplishments. There will also be special celebrations of the Class of 2020, which graduated virtually due to the global pandemic.

Our partners from Learning Courage, who specialize in sexual assault response, prevention, and healing and were part of reunion last year, will be back on campus as a resource to alums, to hold space, and to share steps that are being taken for community care.

Registration is now open

Alums from the Class of 2020 are invited to attend free of charge.

We’re offering all alums in classes ending in 0 and 5 a reduced price of $25 as a way to make the weekend accessible for everyone in the reunion cycle who wants to attend.

Registration is required, and all guests must be registered in advance. Please register by Friday, May 9.

Reunion Programming

The goal with Reunion 2025 is to provide choices for people to participate in the way that feels right for them.

  • There will be opportunities for meaningful connection with each other and to learn about teaching and learning at MHS today.
  • Discussions throughout the weekend will center on accelerating women’s leadership in historically male-dominated fields.
  • Time will be set aside for processing together and for hearing from school leaders about continued steps we are taking to support safety and wellbeing.

Schedule of Events



3:00 Check-in + Pop-up School Store Opens

3:30 Campus Tours

4:00 Learning Courage Opt-in Session

5:30 Welcome Home Reception

6:30 Welcome Home Dinner



8:30 Check-in + Breakfast

9:30 - 11:00 Community-Centered Approach to Responding to Sexual Misconduct Panel + Q&A with School Leaders + Learning Courage

11:00 Explore STEAM at MHS
Tours of Linn Hall + the Elizabeth Gatchell Klein Arts Center, with Gallery Dedications

11:45-12:30 Shop MHS
9th Grade Plant Sale
Hatch Sale: Student Makers’ Marketplace
Pop-up School Store

12:30 Awards Luncheon, with Special Recognition of the Class of 2020
Followed by Class Photos

2:00 - 4:30 Alum/Student Networking + Community Fun

3:30 Learning Courage Opt-in Session

5:30 Reception, Hosted by the Heritage Society

Followed by Off-campus Class Dinners



10:00 Service of Remembrance

11:00-12:30 Farewell Brunch

Additional details will be added by Committee Chairs as plans finalize.


Lend your voice in organizing Reunion 2025 by contacting Lynelle Weaver, Manager of Alum Relations, at

Click below for a list of local accommodations, as well as area restaurants for your class dinners. Be sure to mention Miss Hall’s when booking rooms.

Highlights from last Reunion